Meridian Hall
1 Front St E, Toronto, ON, M5E 1B2

October 1–2,

Design is a force.

One that shapes how we see the world. With every choice, we hold the power to break barriers, challenge convention, and shift perspectives. But not if we don’t question our own.

So we’re here to give the industry a perception interception. And unlock potential through perspective. Because if you’re stuck in the same ways of seeing, you might be missing out.

Through always moving, morphing, adapting and evolving, we’re not just embracing shift in our industry, we’re here to shape it. Welcome to DesignThinkers 2025. Shift is about to go down.

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About the RGD

The Association of Registered Graphic Designers (RGD) is Canada’s largest professional Association for graphic design professionals, with 4,400 Members including firm owners, freelancers, managers, in-house designers, educators and students.

Through the RGD, Canadian designers exchange ideas, educate and inspire, set professional standards, and build a strong, supportive community dedicated to advocating for the value of design. Our vision is for a graphic design profession that is broadly valued for its contribution to life, commerce and society.

Stay up to date with all things RGD.

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