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  • Vancouver

Attend DesignThinkers Vancouver for free

Apply for Scholarships

Student RGDs, Provisional RGDs and Junior Affiliates are invited to apply to win free attendance to DesignThinkers Vancouver. 10 scholarship packages are available, each including a free ticket and $500 cash to help cover the costs to attend.

To apply, submit a 30-second to 1-minute video expressing your enthusiasm for DesignThinkers Vancouver and why you want to attend.


Applicants will be assessed on their creativity and passion. Priority will be given to Members who reside 100 km or more away from the location of the conference.

You must be a current Student RGD, Provisional RGD or Junior Affiliate Member to be eligible.


11:59 pm PST on Monday, April 8, 2024

Thank you

These scholarships are generously provided by 123wBecoming Design OfficeOK DAVEPendoPSDDB (digital), Pound & GrainResonanceRethinkRoodenburg Design and Will.

Interested in supporting young designers? If you are interested in sponsoring a scholarship, email [email protected].

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