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All about the roundtables at DesignThinkers Toronto: Day 1

Roundtables are your chance to connect with other creatives in a small group setting. Led by senior design professionals, roundtables are being hosted on both conferences days from 8:15 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Bring your questions, offer advice and participate in conversations that will leave you feeling engaged and energized.

Here are the topics on this year’s schedule for Day 1:

November 7th, 8:15 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.

  • Overcoming creative burnout
    For designers and other creatives, the line between work and play is often difficult to define. As a result, the threat of burnout is particularly complicated. What happens when the thing that brings you so much joy becomes a source of so much stress and anxiety? Join us for a discussion about tactics and strategies to avoid burnout and to recover when you actually hit that wall.
  • Good design is for everybody: Sharing accessibility tools, resources and processes
    Join this conversation about the role of accessibility in design and how it can benefit us all. We will share our knowledge and experiences with each other, whether you’re a seasoned accessibility advocate or new to the concept. We’ll focus on the latest tools and technologies available for designers and developers to create accessible products, along with tips and tricks we can use in our everyday practices.
  • Futuristic fantasy to practical reality: Leveraging AI tools in the design process
    Have you experimented with AI to enhance your workflow? Have you used AI to gain insights about user behaviour? Have you used AI to boost your creativity? Join us for a discussion of designers’ experiences with AI and what impact we think it will have on the design industry.
  • Mental health and creative sustainability
    When we’re mentally balanced, we’re more likely to approach problems creatively, be more patient with the design process and be more accepting of feedback. Join us as we talk openly about our mental health challenges, contemplate how being a designer may exacerbate them and consider how employers and colleagues can be more supportive.
  • Data-driven design: Leveraging analytics for design effectiveness
    While data-driven design helps to create user-centric solutions, designers must balance it with the importance of creativity and intuition in the design process. How do we use data with creating design that lacks originality and innovation? Join us as we discuss ways to use data while still trusting our instincts and expertise.
  • The business of design: Aligning design practices with business mindsets
    It can often be challenging for designers to balance our creative visions with successful business outcomes. Whether it be for our clients, who would like to understand the ROI behind every project, or for ourselves, focusing on setting up our own businesses to be financially viable, there is a constant struggle between left and right brain. Let’s chat about how we can combine the best of both worlds.
  • Future-proofing your design career: Skills for the next decade
    As technology advances and consumer preferences shift, adaptability emerges as a critical trait for designers. We delve into the importance of mastering not only the latest design software and tools, but also fostering a deep understanding of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design principles. Our conversation will touch on the rising significance of ethical and sustainable design practices, emphasizing the role designers play in addressing global challenges. Join us to gain insights into how to navigate the dynamic design industry and ensure your career remains future-proof.
  • Unmute yourself: Strategies for speaking up and being heard
    In this discussion, we will explore communication and presentation techniques designed to captivate your audience’s attention. You’ll discover how to refine your storytelling skills and effectively integrate data, anecdotes and visuals to convey your message with greater impact. We’ll also share valuable insights and best practices to help you become a more persuasive and engaging communicator.
  • Inclusive design research
    In today’s data-driven world, understanding all users is paramount to design effectiveness. Gathering valuable insights from target audiences refines products or services, enhance experiences and allows for more informed decisions. Join us as we explore essential considerations for building and managing meaningful design research, discuss the complexities of decolonizing research practices and the importance of inclusive participation in design research.
  • Design for social good: Creating a better world
    Our world is fraught with challenges, and design plays a considerable part in tackling them. Ultimately, design is about communication. So, how do we design experiences that help users understand, learn and derive meaning from the world around them? These are communication, industrial design and educational problems, and how designers tackle these spheres has a massive impact on changing lives. Let’s discuss how we embrace these subjects to become better members of society and ensure that we wield our skills for the betterment of all.
  • Students only: Navigating creative challenges and burnout in your student journey
    In this ever-changing design world, where creative blocks and burnout can be all too familiar, how do you constantly create, learn and excel as a student? Join us to explore and discuss strategies to understand and overcome creative hurdles, establish effective design routines, and navigate burnout gracefully.


November 7th, 12:15 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

  • Passion projects: Making work for fun, because it’s fun to do
    What really piques your curiosity? Come join our conversation as we explore the significance of passion projects, discuss the habit of chasing curiosity and find ways to carve out time for creative fun, without getting stuck in a perpetual cycle of productivity.
  • Future-proofing your design career: Skills for the next decade
    As technology advances and consumer preferences shift, adaptability emerges as a critical trait for designers. We delve into the importance of mastering not only the latest design software and tools, but also fostering a deep understanding of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design principles. Our conversation will touch on the rising significance of ethical and sustainable design practices, emphasizing the role designers play in addressing global challenges. Join us to gain insights into how to navigate the dynamic design industry and ensure your career remains future-proof.
  • Building stronger design processes
    Process is the key to profit, but a good process often takes years to nurture and is often tailored to an individual, especially in the design world! We will discuss topics like defining chinks in the armour, identifying problem areas, the importance of trying new things and using technology to help build more robust systems and easily replicable processes.
  • Tell a stronger story: Strategies for effective communication and presentations
    In this discussion, we will explore communication and presentation techniques designed to captivate your audience’s attention. You’ll discover how to refine your storytelling skills and effectively integrate data, anecdotes and visuals to convey your message with greater impact. We’ll also share valuable insights and best practices to help you become a more persuasive and engaging communicator.
  • User-centred design: Where humans reign supreme
    The application of user-centred design is constantly changing. Do you spend much of your time thinking about how the user can be better served by the designs you create? How do we ensure that users are the main focus of our designs, and that those users find our designs easy to navigate? Join us to discuss how design can be employed to make things easier, rather than just help address the bottom line.
  • The power of strategic design and the evolution of the “thinking” designer
    Through a traditional lens, design is about crafting visual outputs and tangible artifacts. Yet there is a world of opportunity that opens up for businesses and organizations who view their customer experience through the lens of interconnected systems that can be optimized by thoughtfully applying design to everything we see, touch and experience. How do designers shift from light-touch Jack-of-all-trades practitioners to strategic thinkers who thoughtfully apply their design skills throughout the human experience?
  • From concept to completion: Managing design projects in-house
    Dive into the different aspects of project intake systems and project management processes within in-house design environments. Share strategies, best practices and key challenges for navigating design projects efficiently and effectively. Benefit from group insights to optimize your workflow and elevate project outcomes.
  • We are all brand ambassadors: Getting your organization on board
    How many times have you heard “I’m tired of those colours, that style or that branding element”? If you’ve been working with the same stakeholders for a while, then probably more than once. Or how about people who don’t like your organization’s rebrand? Join us for a discussion on turning naysayers into brand ambassadors.
  • Colouring inside the lines: Fostering creativity within the confines of a brand
    The same branding, same colours, same style day in and out. It can get boring. How do we foster that creative itch and stay motivated while adhering to our often strict brand guidelines? Join us to discuss techniques for pushing the brand envelope, trying out new, potentially radical ideas, all while still staying brand faithful.
  • Show & Tell: Projects we can’t believe we got done
    Is there a project you’re particularly proud of? That you completed under an incredibly tight timeline or with never-ending scope creep, or maybe there were tech issues along the way and all your files got corrupted? Maybe a similar campaign launched days before yours, and your team had to pull together an entirely new campaign in record time? Join us for an intimate (confidential) presentation of projects that maybe can’t be entered into awards or shared on social media but that you are so super-proud of and you’d love to tell its story. Everyone who registers for this session will be asked to showcase a project related to the table topic and speak about their experience for 4–5 minutes, followed by a brief Q&A with others in the group.
  • Students only: Embrace your design identity and build your creative confidence
    Confidence is key to becoming a successful designer, but how do you garner confidence in a world of criticism and imposter syndrome? Join us in this roundtable to discuss simple tips and tricks to build creative confidence that will help you navigate your early career as a student and designer.
DesignThinkers attendees will be able to pre-register for discussions. Keep an eye on your email for the sign-up form.

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