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The Next Frontier of AI

Thas Naseemuddeen, Ricardo Diaz

NOV 07 • 2:45 - 3:30 PM

Meridian Hall — Main Stage

Omelet has a history of innovation in both their creative work for clients as well as in the products and services they have designed for their own use, from building early machine-learning bots to help them be more mindful of their own language to building their own LLMs and GenAI tools.

The team thinks about the future and ensures they use technology in smart and impactful ways, with ethical considerations always top of mind. Join Thas and Ricardo as they explore the idea of utility vs. ethics vs. IP ownership as it relates to generative AI tools and what it will mean to creative professions. This talk will not solve the very delicate questions that arise with GenAI, but it will seek to help others find a balance between using the absolute best tools at our disposal while still respecting the deep craft of design and creativity.


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