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Demystifying AI in UX: Everything You Are Afraid to Know But Need to Ask

Magued Hanna RGD, UXMC

NOV 08 • 1:45 - 2:30 PM

St. Lawrence Centre — Jane Mallett Theatre

AI is rapidly transforming the field of UX bringing both opportunities and challenges.

Even for seasoned professionals, staying relevant and competitive can be daunting. Join Magued as he dispels common fears and misconceptions about AI–and explains how to integrate it meaningfully and efficiently into your UX strategy, research, content, accessibility and design workflows. From its application in personalization and predictive analytics to its impact on creativity and ethics, we’ll explore how AI can elevate the user experience. Whether you’re just beginning your AI journey or looking to deepen your expertise, this presentation will empower you with the knowledge, insights and confidence to navigate and evolve alongside AI in UX.


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