April Greiman
MAY 14 • 2:15 - 3:00 PM
Vancouver Playhouse
“We put 30 spokes together and call it a wheel; but it is in the space where there is nothing that the utility of the wheel depends. We turn clay to make a vessel; but it is in the space where there is nothing that the utility of the vessel depends. We pierce doors and windows to make a house; and it is in these spaces where there is nothing that the utility of the house depends. Therefore, just as we take advantage of what is, we should recognize the utility of what is not.” Lao Tzu
April’s movie-like presentation showcases the seminal projects and thought process of several bodies of work made by her and Made in Space, her Los Angeles studio. Her work reflects upon the evolution of technology and the articulation of space through words, letters and colour and that have the potential to alter thinking, heal and inspire.