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No Risk, No Story

Radim Malinic

NOV 07 • 11:30 - 12:15 PM

St. Lawrence Centre — Jane Mallett Theatre

"No Risk, No Story" encourages creatives to embrace their unique journeys and talents.

Sharing anecdotes from his life, Radim talks about wiping out surfing in Bali when he overestimated his abilities, illustrating the importance of not being deterred by setbacks and how this experience is similar to our creative careers. We often jump in head first before we’ve make sense of things. “No Risk, No Story” emphasizes that creatives should celebrate their individuality rather than trying to emulate others. Radim advises that you define your expectations, understand your magic formula and superpowers and not be afraid to be the “odd one out”. He discusses the challenges of dealing with insecurity, imposter syndrome and the pressures of social media. He shares how to use mindfulness techniques to overcome anxiety and creative blocks. The latter part of the session is centred around Radim’s experiences authoring and self-publishing six books. He provides insights into the entire process with lessons through the process. The overarching message is not to wait for circumstances to be perfect, but to be proactive. “If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to it.” Radim explains how you can create the opportunities you want for yourself and inspires you to pursue what lights you up creatively without fear of risk.


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